Monday, January 23, 2012

3DS Circle Pad Pro, Why It Might Actually Be A Good Idea

Now for some people who may know I love my Nintendo 3DS I got it during the holidays and can't seem to ever wanna put it down. I have never in my life since I was 13 did I ever have so much fun with a Nintendo product (I still have all the consoles but as we all know the company has lost it's luster for quite some time). Now a few months ago we were told of a new accessory that would be made for the 3DS and some people wondered what it would be. What we got was something that made even me for a few months feel the company was pretty much something laughable. The 3DS Circle Pad Pro which was just an accessory that added an extra circle pad (analog stick), for most of the people who got a 3DS they felt that this oversized accesory was just a sad excuse for a poor design choice that was left out of the 3DS. I for one felt that and really did not want to get one at all but in the last few hours that has changed.

The new demo of Resident Evil: Revelations was released on the Nintendo E-shop and I got my hands on it to try it out. Now for everyone who does want that game you DO NOT need the Circle Pad Pro to play it and it feels as smooth as I thought it would without it. Movement is all on the one circle pad and holding the L button can make you slide left or right to take corners as to not be surprised at what you might find.

Now if the game makes good work at being very playable without the Circle Pad Pro then why buy it? I thought this during my demo run of the game and it hit me half way through it: camera movement, now everyone knows what the second analog stick has always been used to move your camera direction and as easy as it is to do in Revelations all I did was play a demo which was for the most part early on in the game it can get harder as we continue through the game making it probably near impossible to go without getting hit more since to move to see our area and walking on one analog can be a bit of a pain when we get about 6-7 enemies on us from all directions. Needless to say the game looks awesome especially with the recent price drop even before the game is released from 49.99 to 39.99 (due to people being a bit iffy as to why it was that high in the first place). The game boasts the chance to have a console sized game on a handheld so we shall see if it lives up to the hype on Febuary 7, 2012, when the game hits the US as well as the circle pad pro.

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