Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mega Man and Pacman heading to Street Fighter x Tekken

Now I love fighting games, I love Street Fighter and I love Tekken both equally. I have been excited for this game like no other for the last few years and now with one swoop I wish I could avoid this game is I could. First off the Pacman addition is kinda cute and clever since it's the mascot of namco it feels like a great homage to pay respects as to where they came from.

But "Mega Man" just makes me sick, after all the garbage they have taken Mega Man they now put his name onto the bad box art style of the first game made him seem like some dude in his 30's overweight in spandex and safety helmet.....WTF.....

I am a big Mega Man fan and I would understand if you did this while they were making the Mega Man games that were canceled recently (Legends 3 and Universe) but then to also make Zero in Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 have an alternate costume of Zero dressed as Mega Man X and now this?! Making him a joke character? To me and to others in the fanbase you keep on hurting us Capcom, your love of the blue bomber disgusts me since the only thing you think he's good for these days is to be laughed at from your stupid artists who couldn't draw for the life of them in America. I know this can come off as a fanboy ranting and raving which it kinda is but c'mon people Mega Man put Capcom on the map, give him some love rather then pick on him...

I thought this was Street Fighter x Tekken not Capcom x Namco...

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